Wednesday, October 11, 2006

This was written while I was in the hospital about three days after my surgery. This is the first time that I really have been able to get online to do anything. So enjoy the entry.

Well – we did it! It’s out and the surgery went well. I got to leave the ICU sooner than most people. I found out today (following the surgery) that I do have cancer. The pathologists are still doing tests to determine the type and staging of the cancer.

(Side note)
The type of cancer I have is called Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma. I haven’t been told what stage it is, right now I am finding oncologists to talk with but it looks like I will be doing some sort of Chemo therapy…

The surgery went well. They were able to fully remove the tumor, they also found that the tumor had metastasized on the liver so they removed that tumor as well. The surgeons also removed my right adrenal gland. They did not have to remove the kidney though. They also did some reconstruction of my vena cava (the large vein that runs blood back to the heart), the surgeons had to reduce the size of my vena cava by about 50 %. This means that I will have some swelling in my legs and feet until my body adjusts to the constricted portion, and eventually the vein will expand a little. With both tumors the surgeons were able to get clear margins so they didn’t have to do any radiation therapy in surgery and the hope is that I won’t have to have any radiation treatments later.

Because of how high certain hormone levels of mine were the doctors have put me on steroids for the cushings. Once the tumor is removed my hormone level production goes back to normal. The sudden drop in levels can be dangerous and even kill me so they have me on steroids and will slowly stagger me off the steroids as my body and left adrenal glad adjust. My left gland seems to be functioning well so I should be back to normal in about six months is what the doctors are telling me.

It is nice to feel some results of the loss of the tumor. I have less pressure in my abdomen. My blood pressure is still a bit high but it is much lower than it was before. I am told that will change as the steroids come down and my vena cava adjusts. I am also told that as the cortisol levels drop that the pounds will melt away. I am looking forward to going on a shopping spree when all of this is said and done. To finally fit into a size six or even eight would be nice. Although with all the medical bills and life it might not be feezable to go on a “shopping spree”, but hey I’m a girl and it’s fun to think about.

Something els that is pretty neat is that I have heard of more people who are now being tested for cushings disease since my segment was aired on FOX 13. The reporter who covered my story (Katie Carlsile) came and interviewed me the day of the surgery, but the station later decided not to do a follow up. But it was nice to hear that the segment that did show is helping spread the word about cushings and getting people help. It feels good to know that even though I have this problem and am so sick that I can use it to help someone else get help. We will try and put the aired segment on my website ( . I am hoping to get to see a picture of my tumor. For no other reason then I want to see what has been growing inside of me for four months, but I didn’t plan on keeping the tumor. Chris bought me India.Arie’s CD today. It has my strength song on it. Last night it was so nice to have him there. Neither of us got much sleep, but spending that time together, sharing memories that I will never forget.

I want to say thank you to everyone. I have felt your love and prayers. I believe firmly that God directed and inspired my surgeons. My Bishop came over to my house and gave me a blessing the night before. It was very profound in that I would fully recover. It also gave me comfort in knowing that no matter what families are forever. I feel more than ever that my Heavenly Father loves me. I was told that this wont be easy or a fast recovery. Although I seem to be progressing well, there are still things we need to look at such as the cancer and other tests that will need to be done. We will just take it one day at a time. I hope to use this as an opportunity to find time to enjoy life’s little moments. Do more drawing and painting, take more time to spend with Chris and Anna. Play more, take a yoga class when I am healthy again.